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If you woke up one day, and you're suddenly in the Pokemon world...



  • Wizlor
    Wizlor Member Posts: 4
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    I think starting in Paldea or Kalos would be perfect!!! & I’d start out with my buddy Skrelp or Sandshrew

  • tigertron007
    tigertron007 Member Posts: 2
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    Kanto with a Squirtle.

  • TLG_Luke
    TLG_Luke Member Posts: 5
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    Kalos, in Laverre City. I may be a bit biased due to my first Pokémon games being X and Y, but the place is just so beautiful, and and it might actually get me to look around for once. Plus, it seems to be a nice little place that wouldn't be too crowded, while still being close enough to a place like Lumiose to visit from time to time. As for a partner Pokémon, I'd have to go with Goomy since it'd be on one of the nearby routes, and it just seems like it'd be a nice friend.

  • Alopias0158
    Alopias0158 Member Posts: 12
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    Unironically would love to be in the Johto region, specifically in Ecruteak City. Its comfy and has a lot of culture surrounding it. As for partner pokemon, cliche but always gonna choose Totodile to adventure with me. Unova is definitely another region I'd like to live in but Johto has too much nostalgia for me!

  • puplover1118
    puplover1118 Member Posts: 531 ✭✭✭
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  • puplover1118
    puplover1118 Member Posts: 531 ✭✭✭
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    https://community.pokemon.com/en-us/discussion/comment/14551#Comment_14551I would start in the same location, but for a partner I would choose a Houndoom, which I would've had as a Houndour.

  • Lightpikachu123
    Lightpikachu123 Member Posts: 42
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    Johto Ecruteak City. Starter would be Cyndaquil.

  • Acornyo
    Acornyo Member Posts: 751 ✭✭✭✭
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    I'd choose Hammerlocke from The Galar Region since it's real nice and cozy and my favorite gym is there, too. My first Pokemon would have to be Furret, since if living there is like being the main character in-game, I can get Popplio and Alolan Raichu from that one guy in the DLC.

  • Jesoysauce
    Jesoysauce Member Posts: 5
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    Brother I wouldn't want to catch a pokemon I want to BE a pokemon

  • Lightpikachu123
    Lightpikachu123 Member Posts: 42
    10 Comments Name Dropper 5 Likes First Anniversary

    Johto Ecruteak City. Starter would be Cyndaquil.