If You Could Bring Pokémon Into the Real World Who Would You Bring and Why?

If you could bring a Pokémon to keep as a fun/cute pet who would you pick?
Who would you pick to be good at Pokémon battles and why?
And who would you pick to get out of a real life situation?
Scolipede is my favorite Pokémon, so I'd usually be tempted to say Venipede... But there's just something so alluring to me about having a Stunky for a pet.
Maybe it's because of a strange dream I once had many years ago. It was about a shiny Stunky that smelled sweet and floral instead of smelling vile. It was bullied by other wild Stunky, so I took it in and named it Flower after the skunk in Bambi.
That dream's always stuck with me for some reason. I always remember it when I look at Stunky. lol
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garchomp for battles
gabite because its scales can cure any disease
and gible is cute
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Bringing Jirachi would mean I could get whatever wish I want!
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Litwick cuz helps me sleep and cute boi. Lampent is portable lamp and is spoopy. I’m not talking about the other evo cuz the same thing for that. [_(••)_] lampent <—
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Arceus because it’s literally a creator god and can do a lot of things.
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I’d say Lucario, because he’s bipedal, very intelligent, and his aura reading makes him pretty much one of the most human-like Pokemon. So he could go places with me and be more like a friend than a pet.
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Gabite its said its scales can cure any disease