Where would you live in the Pokemon World?

Personally, I would choose to live in Malie City. It's in a tropical region and not located far from a beach, and it also features a library and public park, both of which I would make frequent use of.
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I think pallet town kanto, it’s simple and a lot of air. I’m use to the more open and foresty areas
Probably Virbank. The vibes are immaculate and you can easily access the big city. Also Roxie can have all my posessions
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Nimbasa City alllllll the way. Although I wouldn’t mind living in either Castelia City or moving to Kalos and living in either Lumiose City or Laverre City but I’m still sticking with Unova’s Nimbasa City
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I kinda like Postwick. But my 2nd choice would be Goldenrod. Then Lavernder town. Heh heh heh…
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Kalos Region let alone alola
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I essentially live in the real world equivalent of Johto already, but I like Ecruteak City. I love the traditional Japanese aesthetic.
It may be Pokémon France, but I do like Laverre City. I love forests and nature, so that city has a really nice vibe for me. Same with the surrounding routes.
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A normal and small city, not someplace like Lumiose that would be far too crowded and expensive to live in. Probably someplace like Aspertia or Anistar. I don't think I could handle a place with too much nature.