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General Impressions Pokémon TCG Live

TheMG7 Member Posts: 3
5 Agrees 5 Likes

*As suggested by TPCi_CursedSoup, I'm posting it here for the team to see too.

Again I would like to congratulate the entire development team for renewing the Pokémon TCG with the arrival of Live - I really admire your work!

After having had the opportunity to know a lot about the new Pokémon TCG Live Beta, I'm leaving some impressions and suggestions (please don't take them as criticisms, but as ideas to at least leave it on record, because I really wish the best for this game that I believe which can be gigantic and always much better!).

- When playing on mobile when we need to change a card, for example, it would be ideal to just drag my fingers, and not need to click on the little arrows on the side, on PC, being able to just use the Scroll is something simple and very useful;

- At the beginning of the game when choosing heads or tails, show the coin (which turned out beautiful) for us to choose the side and not just written "heads or tails";

- As much as the idea of ​​markers is nice to have, just clicking on the pokémon is much better and faster than having to drag;

- about the speed of the game, it seems quite slow (especially on mobile), everything seems a little too plastered - for example, when we use a card it should work straight away and not go to the field and then work (you can take steps);

- When we play on PC the cards don't need to be squares, let us see the card art as it is (large size of a normal card), on mobile it's understandable to resize the card, but on PC we don't need that - it's a general wish of the community;

- On the board, it looks quite lifeless, especially the blue and red parts of our fields - suggestion: create arts, special Playmats so we can change these arts and each player has their own personalized part.

This is something simple and would make the whole field much more beautiful! Example: Themes like Pikachu, Eevee, Legendary, fire-type, poisonous and etc....

*Can be sold in the store with in-game currency.

**If it's possible I'm adding an image attached to this topic to serve as an example, if I can't send it by email, I did it in a few minutes, but you'll understand the suggestion well and how good it is - all other card games we already have this level of customization, and our Pokémon can't be left behind!

- The center part of the board (which is white and full of hexagons), has amazing effects and looks great (congratulations), but it could have a little more color options too and not just white.

*ex. look like a pokemon stadium, or when dropping a stadium card to change the art to look like the stadium that is at stake would be amazing!

- Another detail, we don't always want to see that huge black bar with the Pokémon's life, during the game it's great (help), but when we zoom in on the cards, leave it without the bar so we can see the complete card art, like a same card;

- The avatars look great on mobile (congratulations again), but on pc it's not a pleasant thing (I know how hard they put in, but unfortunately that's it), let us hide them during matches, and just have the message button like in mobile - or for example a bigger button to occupy the empty space of the board.

- Being able to hide avatars is simple and that many players would like and everyone was happy.

* Suggestion: You can also leave our coins there on the board, it's a nice detail.

- During the game, where is the name of the players, bottom left and top, also show the player's rank, and his medal would be nice (customizing the names with exclusive and themed frames would also be nice);

- Finally, a very important detail, the sound and impact effects could be better during combat, when we use a blow (especially the stronger ones) the game needs to give that impression of real impact and damage.

I know there were a lot of things and observations, I know it all takes time, but please, I really just want to take this into consideration as someone who wants the best for the game and its entire community.

I always wish the best for everyone!


  • Unknown12369877
    Unknown12369877 Member Posts: 1

    A way to speed up the game would be greatly appreciated (for example, you could place a way to disable the visual effect or speed up actions by clicking on the screen like in Pokémon TCG online).

  • Ximbas
    Ximbas Member Posts: 0

    Having more diversities of boards and skins to choose from would be amazing!

    The more animations the better, and when a stadium card goes down if we have new animation it would be very good!!!

    I also agree that it would be very important to hide game avatars, not all players want to see them on the board.

    And it would also be nice if we could have 2d avatars in the future - it would be a simple but very nice addition to the game.