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Please have the cards take up more of the screen on PC when opening packs

Opening booster packs on the mobile app looks fine, but on PC the cards aren't nearly as visible, with the screen mostly being white space. Additionally, there's no ability to inspect cards during the pack opening, as clicking on a card only advances to the next card. This makes it much less fun to open packs and gives less incentive to buy them; not being able to see the art or card details takes a lot out of the pack opening experience.

It would be great if there could at least be an option to increase the card size in pack openings, or a function added where hovering over a card with the mouse will expand the card and show its details.


  • Mod_Champion
    Mod_Champion Moderator Posts: 143 ✭✭
    25 LOLs Second Anniversary 100 Comments First Answer

    Hello, Trainer schlintz,

    Thank you for your feedback! Please let us know if you have any other suggestions.

  • shinygeodude
    shinygeodude Member Posts: 18
    Name Dropper 10 Comments First Anniversary

    I agree. I normally play in windowed mode on PC, and it's hard to read the text on newly-opened cards that way because it's too small. There's a lot of empty space around the cards when they're opened, so there's no reason not to make the cards appear bigger.