Cannot find ANY of my cards from TCG Online transfer

While I thought I'd read the instructions for porting my collection from TCG Online to TCG Live quite carefully (I even made spreadsheets detailing all of my decks), I cannot find any of my TCG Online cards in my TCG Live collection. Where are they? I know some cards didn't transfer, but I thought pretty much all of mine should have - I only started playing TCG Online back in October!
Only Sun & Moon to present era cards are in the game. So if you're looking for B&W or X&Y era cards you'll have to wait several years at the pace this game is being updated to use them.
You can still check if they are in your collection by importing a deck with XY/BW cards in it though. The deck just won't be valid in any format.
If they are Sun/Moon era to present era cards missing you should report it.