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Please just shut the game down for 6-12 months to fix it

TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
2500 Comments 500 Agrees 250 Likes 50 Answers

It's really clear at this point that the development staff can't keep up with the bugs while also adding new cards and trying to fix the visual experience. This game is now so bad at being a test platform that its very existence is no longer justified. Having no platform is better than having this, really. The BDIF is bugged in such a major way that it's not even Tier 1 on Live, and there's yet again an instant win glitch. Bugs with Expanded cards are being ignored completely. There are NAKED MODELS IN A POKEMON GAME!

There's just too much to really fix while the game is live. Please, for the long-term good of the client and the TCG, take a good amount of time off to fix everything and greatly expand the team. This has been getting worse with every patch, and not a single major bug has been fixed since November. This just isn't working. I'm not gonna ask for PTCGO back because I doubt it can be brought back and, frankly, I don't want to deal with the trading economy ever again. But things can't continue like this. The devs are understaffed and inexperienced with both the TCG and game development. They broke the game horribly in December and have gone radio silent since. This game, despite being officially released, is in development hell. Please, take the drastic measures necessary. You can even make it a subscription game if that's what it takes to get investment into development going. Just... do something.


  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I don't think shut it down would help the game development and bug fixes, the new sets have to be added sooner or later anyway.

    Not to mention if they shut it down for that long imagine how many players will never come back again because they would find something else to play.

    Also they knew how bad the game was and still decided to release it... what will most likely happen is it will continue very slowly improve over time but will still have large amount of bugs for a long time.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    It's not improving. It's just getting worse with every patch. They need to take a break from adding cards to get the basic game done.

  • Vulpixknows
    Vulpixknows Member Posts: 3
    First Comment

    Still no landscape view on tablets either. I cant deal with all that if i could see my cards in gameplay

  • stealthboy2600
    stealthboy2600 Member Posts: 58 ✭✭
    Second Anniversary 10 Comments First Answer 5 Likes

    I agree they need to make it inaccessible for a long time to fix this. There is still a bug where exported deck lists have the improper count of cards. That's just simple mathematical operations they can't even code correctly. It's too much. They need to drop all avatar and playfield animation work instantly at least. Get the game to function properly first! Then make it look better.

    I can't even play the game right now. Bugs keep games from being completed, and my deck is no longer valid because Penny has been temporarily banned. It's silly.

  • Infernomaker1
    Infernomaker1 Member Posts: 64 ✭✭
    25 Agrees 10 Comments 5 Likes

    This is a solid point. We are losing people that are new to this community because they come to the game, see all the bugs, have difficulty playing and then quit for good. This is a shame and guess what....the game is no longer in Beta. Pretty horrible.

  • UncleYuri
    UncleYuri Member Posts: 4
    5 Agrees First Comment

    the Pokémon company should be embarrassed for putting out this dumpster fire of a product. It is comically bad.

  • TripleRaichu333
    TripleRaichu333 Member Posts: 10
    Photogenic Name Dropper First Comment

    Okay, in my view. I have experienced some glitches months ago that have gotten me to lose a few rounds then & there but I am not experiencing those any more. Yes, we might get to the point where we will have a good chunk of cards being banned but that won't stop us the players to continue going! It's too late to "shut the game down for 6-12 months" since we just moved on from TGC Online & into TGC Live. I am not waiting that long just to play a game, I like to play on my off time. The best thing to do, is know that the Team is trying their best & continue playing the game!😁✌️