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Muting emotes


I really think players should be able to mute emotes sent by the opponent. They’re distracting, and are only ever used by toxic players to let the opponent know that they’re angry.


  • Nashedtators
    Nashedtators Member Posts: 96 ✭✭✭
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    I use them a lot to show I liked a play, to signify that my opponent has won and I want to let them take the prizes. Or if a turn is taking awhile to help make sure we are still connected, if they respond.

    I don't get why people have such issues with the emotes and the end game. They last for not even 5 seconds and if it really bothers you just don't look? I don't think they're the best choice but it's really not that big of a deal.

    Also what if somebody didn't have good sportsmanship at a tournament irl, not being a menace but just having a sour attitude, would you let that affect your playing? Part of a card game is mind games.

  • Falcor666
    Falcor666 Member Posts: 3
    First Comment

    That's nice for you. I use them too sometimes, but sometimes they are obviously being used to annoy.

    I believe the point of what he was saying was that there should be a mute option. Like in every other TCG online game that has ever been made. There's a reason every other game has it.

  • Jnuttall77
    Jnuttall77 Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    I absolutely cannot stand the emotes or the gloating animations at the end of the card matches. I like the concept of trying to personalize your own avatar, but I dislike how they are used. I hate having my face rubbed in my loss as well as appearing to rub someone else's loss in my win. I'm not sure that it adds anything to the game play, if you made an impressive play, you don't need my validation, and I don't need your validation if I had made a good play either. The results of the match will speak for themselves. It's a card game, not a muscle show, not a popularity contest, nor a glorious fist pumping achievement... it is lame and has all the potential for abuse and gets used over and over to provoke the other player into conceding/exiting the app, or sending emotes back in hopes of them stopping, or just grinning and bearing it for the sake of the card game. I really wish you could opt out of seeing avatar animations and emotes all together.

  • stealthboy2600
    stealthboy2600 Member Posts: 58 ✭✭
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    Everything related to the avatars needs to be removed ASAP. The animations at the end of games are completely over the top and toxic. The animations (and some of the winning phrases) are against the spirit of the game and I really want to seem them removed. If somebody actually did that at an IRL tournament they could receive penalties. Also, a lot of developer time is wasted on all the avatar nonsense and obviously not spent where it is needed to actually play the game.

  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,618 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    People have been asking this since day one, and they actually improved a bit because in the beginning the Avatars didn't hide at all they were staring at you until the game was over.

    Now at least they only show when a player chooses to. That said I honestly don't know the reason behind the mute button still doesn't exist after this long and the huge amout of complaining... it's a mystery.