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Feedback on Aesthetics (<1 hr from starting)

Hello. I’m not sure what tone is preferred on this sub forum for new threads, but I’ll just get into my thoughts that have come from playing the open beta on ios and pc (each for maybe 20 minutes apiece).


  1. The menus feel a bit too spread-apart, playing at 1920x1080 resolution. It might help to move them closer to the center of the screen, horizontally speaking.
  2. The “customize” button on the profile screen doesn’t seem to do anything. Or rather, if you toggle over to the “stats” button, then it will take you back to customization. Otherwise, you can click on it but nothing happens. Maybe have the button fade out when you’re already on that screen.

Issues common to both mobile and pc:

  1. The avatars; I’m sure it’s already been spoken about, but they frankly need improvement. They currently have this weird sort of claymation-esque uncanny valley appearance to them. I’m not sure if this is because of low-poly models or poor lighting, or both. Relatedly, I think it would be great to have the option to use pictures of Pokémon and trainers and such as your avatar, perhaps ones similar to the icons used for the ranked mode badges, as an example.
  2. Deck-builder; This should ideally be relabeled to “Collection”, or something similar. Unless I’ve missed something, there’s no way to view your collection without trying to make or edit a deck first.
  3. General ui aesthetics; This part of the game has improved from Online a fair amount, but I think a dark-mode option would be good, or perhaps a slider or gradient to control the main color of the ui (currently white). Also, splash screens of cards could be used as well.

I’ll return to this post if I think of anything else. Thanks for reading.