Lumineon - Thorton Bug

Member Posts: 1 ✭
Alas i don't have a screen shot. But i was playing a Whiscash - Blastoise Mill deck. My Lumineon Card 'acted' as a Whiscash and froze/softlocked the game. How i got the bug:
My bench contained: Rotom-V / Diancie / Blastoise PoGo / Barboach / Manaphy
Active was: Diancie
- Opponent killed Diancie → i switched in my second Diancie
- I had a Barboach with a lot of energies on my bench.
- I used Lumineon with the Ability to draw a Support Card and drew Thorton
- Then i used it on Lumineon to get my fainted Diancie onto my bench again.
- Next i used Super Rod to get the Lumineon back into the Deck
- Ended my turn with Rotoms Ability
- On my Opponents turn he killed my active Diancie and i switched in my Barboach
- now the Bug starts:
- I already had a Whiscash in my hand and i naturally drew the Lumineon. → It stacked onto my Whiscash in my hand
- When i played it, it evolved onto Barboach (My whiscash still in hand, Lumineon on Active position)
- The active Lumineon showed the 140 HP from Whiscash, the Fighting Type and the Attacks of Whiscash.
- Then i curiously played an Ultra Ball to check my Deck. That's when the game Froze/Softlocked.
After restarting the game i think neither of us lost nor won the game since i still had the same ranking.