[BUG] Unable to Select Trekking Shoes After Playing Miss Fortune Sisters

I played Miss Fortune Sisters, and I was unable to select my opponent's Trekking Shoes as an option. It would've been selected as card 3 / slot 3. I tried undoing my other selections, but no dice, I was prevented from selecting it entirely.
Just in case it's relevant, they were using the SR version of Trekking Shoes.
This bug has continued to persist with various cards. It usually only bugs when you can select at least 3 out of the 5 cards, 1 one of the cards (can be any valid card) ends up being unselectable. I've had it happen now when I could select 4 or 5 cards.
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Bump - could the devs prioritize this bug lol. This is currently a significant nerf to Snorlax lock :P
I've lost games with opponent on 0-2 cards left in deck, and being able to successfully discard something like trekking shoes or super rod would've been extremely relevant.
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Yeah, this sounds like something the devs should fix right away. Could all the mods here please take a look at this?
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Bug appears to still persist.