What should be added to Pokémon TCG live.

I have been playing Pokémon TCG live for a few days now. Its quite fun but its not as a polished or as great as Pokémon TCG Online was and is. If Pokémon TCG live just improves and adds features it will became the perfect way to play the Pokémon TCG on a device. One of the main features Pokémon TCG live needs is 3840 x 2160 resolution. So far the game's max resolution is only 2560 x 1440. For people like me with 4K monitors its truly a shame that 2560 x 1440 is the best resolution possible at the moment. Another large issue with the game is that purple gems are way to difficult to obtain. To fix this issue I would give a player 20 purple gems per win in ranked mode. That way gems are more obtainable for players without grinding for hours upon hours. Though both of the issues are not nearly as large as this problem, trading. Why is there no trading? The game is literally called the Pokémon Trading card game and yet there is still no trading. Its a shame I can't do much with cards I don't want in this game because I can't trade them for cards I do want. Trading has always been core to the Pokémon TCG experience online and offline and its strange to not see it here. The final issue that should be fixed is honestly not that major but I figured I should still talk about it. At the moment there is not much ways to customize your character. For example, you can't change your character's facial expression. you can't make your character look older, and have few victory poses to choose from. I personally love to customize my character extensively in any game and its a shame that Pokémon TCG live doesn't allow much customization.
In summary Pokémon TCG live should add
- 3840 x2160 resolution
- 20 gems per ranked mode win
- Trading
- More character customization