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Pokemon Trading cards Recently released pack expansion and Card Market Confusion Clear up


all cards in the packs throughout the entire expansion card pack sales during its time selling, all gold star, double silver stars, double gold, and triple gold stars, are supposed to be one of a kind. guessing thats why arven #235 and skwovet #222 are both >/198. the 198 cards featuring holo cards, reverse holo, even all the way to a single silver star/empty gold star/rainbow silver star, are capable of duplicates, though the more foil the better, meaning less duplicates, single silver/empty gold/rainbow silver are probably 1/1 or 1/2. all rarity marking in black have duplicates, even holo, plain card in black rarity up to a black star ranges from 250 common duplicates, 200 uncommon, 150 rare, 75 double rare, 225 rare/double rare means theres a holo, reverse, full, shiny, rainbow, amazing, radiant of it as well, while the uncommon and common ones also have holo,reverse,full,shiny,rainbow, amazing, radiant of them as well. rainbow/amazing/radiant/shiny are either 1/1 or 2/2 if drawn. so a growlithe should go from plain up to shiny and radiant leaving rainbow and amazing out. but i could be wrong. shiny an radiant probably only 5/5 and 10/10 or so. this means that considering the entire pokemon trading game has years printe, illustration updates, rarity degrees, and plenty of one-of-a-kind cards that are hard to find all over the world where packs are shipped, has a large fan base, and the packs sell annually half a billion dollars per expansion and contaain 60 one of a kind cards. and teh market is huge. then thats 60 cards valuing at from gold star to triple gold, including double silver and gold, 23 single, 19 double silver, 10 double gold, 6 triple. 23 20million dollar cards, 19 25million dollar, 10 50million dollar cards, and 6 85million dollar cards. easiest way to sell and market would be to place value on the 60 cards at 2.5 million ea single gold star, 2.5-5 million each double silver, 5-7+ million for double gold, and 10+ for the triple gold star cards of 6. leaving 100k-1m or less for rainbow/amazing/shiny/radiant.

legendaries/ depending on which and quality anywhere between 25-100million$ each due to the rarity of releases depending on seasonal expansion.

cards range from anywhere between .05cents-2$ a common depending on interest, .50cents-3$ an uncommon depending on interest, rare - 2-5$, double rares 10-15$.

common: plain- .05 cents -2$, holo, reverse: 3-6$, shiny,radiant: 500- 2,500: amazing, rainbow 25,000-500,000

uncommon: plain .50 - 2$; holo, reverse: 5-9$; shiny,radiant: 1500- 4,500: amazing, rainbow 75,000-800,000

rare-plain 3-5$, holo, reverse: 5-15$, shiny,radiant: 5000-15000: amazing, rainbow 150,000-1,000,000

double rare-plain 10-15$, holo, reverse: 35-100$, shiny,radiant:50,000-300,000: amazing, rainbow 750,000-1,500,000

*ultra rare; 2,000,000-*,000,000

*illustration rare; 2,500,000-*,000,000

*special illlustration; 10,000,0000-*,000,000

*hyper rare; 25,000,000-*,000,000

*whatever the buyer is willing to pay. but the value of the 60 cards sits at 500 million. so my advice is ask what i wrote above and say your willing to negotiate and dont take less than 55%. argue the value of then based on revenue/fan base/ rarity. taking less than 50% means the price will probably go down but atleast itll start a fluctuating value on the card, which my intentions here is to create a fully feasible achievable trading card sales/buyers market, fluctuating and volitility possible. for profit and revenue/income for needy families with children who purchase packs to sell cards of rarity and etc, and get businesses into buying cards for personilzed products to encase them in.