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How developers designed a draft mode so it would never be used?


I'm trying to breathe while writing this... I know most of the player base in this game is people who don't really know how to play and the developers are trying to make the worst possible features into the game for good players to drop the game but... Why are they being so upfront in their statement? Why are they wasting time and money developing a feature that should be a solution but instead they worked really really hard making it a huge problem.

I believe the Mewtwo X/Y mob has dropped the game since they can not use unbalanced pokemon to play so instead of evolving into a better game developers have decided to go back into an even worst game... I don't understand how they used so many resources to make something without the ability to understand basic concepts... It's concerning the people managing this game are not in touch with the basic players needs and basic moba concepts...