Battle Log Missing Information

It is not possible to distinguish between Benched Pokémon in the Battle Log. Consider the following scenario:
- My opponent put a Charmander on their Bench during their last turn.
- During their current turn, they play a new Charmander onto their Bench, then play a Collapsed Stadium, discarding a Charmander.
Which Charmander got discarded influences my decision for what I choose to discard from Collapsed Stadium. If my opponent discards the old Charmander, I now know they can't evolve the remaining Charmander during their turn. (If my opponent doesn't intend to evolve either Charmander, this is an easy 'mistake' to make because they haven't considered the information it gives me.)
Potential Solution:
The Battle Log currently distinguishes between Pokémon in the Active Spot and Pokémon on the bench like so:
- [PLAYER] attached Basic Fire Energy to Charmander in the Active Spot.
- [PLAYER] attached Basic Fire Energy to Charmander on the Bench.
This distinction could be expanded upon to associate a number with each Bench Spot. For example:
- [PLAYER] attached Basic Fire Energy to Charmander in the 3rd Bench Spot.
Whenever a Bench size is decreased (via a card like Collapsed Stadium), the Battle Log should also record that Pokémon in Bench Spots with a number larger than the new Bench size get moved to an available Bench Spot. For example, in the case of Collapsed stadium, after all Pokémon are discarded, a message like the following could be displayed.
- [PLAYER]'s Charmander in the 5th Bench Spot was moved to the 4th Bench Spot.