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Cheating Lil Kids


Its obvious are using cheats than can bypass Unite's Anti-Cheat (if one even exists). I continuously see players dominating and skyrocketing their level with Pokémon Metagross and deal impossible damage with Mr. Mime. I was level 13 with Charizard doing my strongest special attacks, and take note this is after my team got Rayquaza. I hit 'em with my Seismic Toss and my other 2 moves… HARDLY A SCRATCH on Mr. Mime who is level 10-11. LIKE WTH!? Has to be a cheat, any f***king way in hell, and Mr. Mime doesn't even have close to decent offense stats, so how are they easily killing a Charizard that's 2-3 levels above them?

Back to the Metagross, it's hacks, because I've played against enemies who are level 11 by 7:00, There's NO WAY BRUH! I really believe the report system doesn't work and they don't ban cheaters, because the kids are spending mommy and daddy's money on the game. THIS IS REALLY SAD BRUH!
