Ranked Progression Feedback

The biggest hurdle to progression in ranked currently is the harsh resets. They happen too frequently and drop ranks too far. Toning both of these aspects down will help significantly.
A bigger underlying issue is matchmaking for ranked. Players are currently matched based off a hidden elo that is separate from their CP points and doesn't reset. (Please correct me if I'm wrong here, since this hasn't been confirmed by the ptcgl team). The major benefit of this system is that players generally find an opponent who is of a similar skill level, however this goes against the point of a ranked ladder. People in pokeball league should play against others in pokeball league regardless of their elo. That way the better players climb that ladder until they reach their skill level where they plateau. Currently, let's say an ultraball level player hadn't played in a while so they start off this season in pokeball league, when they queue they still find a player near their skill level. So climbing out of pokeball league becomes much more difficult for them since they're playing against ultraball level opponents despite being in pokeball league. This has a trickle down effect where everyone ends up gatekept at greatball league since thats where you get +10 CP for winning and -10 CP for losing and you're exclusively playing players at your skill level and only those who beat variance and go on a win streak manage to climb the ranks.
Making this change would help solve the issue you mentioned in the letter-to-the-community-feb-20-2024 post referring to a significant imbalance in the ranking system without having to overhaul the way you currently give out CP.
Another change I hear a lot of competitive players talk about would be introducing an individual leaderboard once players reach Arceus League. That way players can see how they stack up against the rest of the world, and strive to reach top 100, top 10 or even 1st overall.
Thank you for taking these suggestions into consideration.
I'd like to hear from the devs on whether there is a hidden ELO and how it affects matchmaking.
From my past experience, the worst climb was always between Azelf to Deoxys, where you have the longest ladder stretch and you would also have the widest matchmaking range (sometimes pairing into Shaymin or Arceus, sometimes pairing into Greninja or Houndoom).