Who are your favourite people from the Pokemon video games?

Mine are Marlon, Steven, and Marnie. I like these characters and how they're weaved into the story and they have good respective themes that is really easy to get into. So what are your favourite people from the Pokemon video games?
Best Answers
Emma. The orphan from XY's postgame that no one played. She has a sad story and her music themes are really nice to listen to. Plus, I love her design, her hair looks so cute, and her design works really well at conveying who she is.
Other favourites are: Lillie, N, Volo, Blue, and a lot of other characters that either no one likes or no one's heard of.
I like Steven and Lance a lot. It's also worth mentioning that I hate every single rival, Nemona being one of the worst.
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Silver was an interesting character with a real arc to his story. It was also expanded in HGSS.
I want to like N, but he feels more like a concept than a character. He serves his role well, though. Colress had a similar function in the sequel.
I ended up liking Arven, even though I didn't think I would at first. I believe it was the same for many people. A boy and his dog. I am also in the camp that liked Nemona. She's not a complex character, but she didn't need to be.
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@TheJeffers Arven is funny, he gave chocolate to his dog like a dummy.
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I really like the family dynamic of Lillie, Gladion, Lusamine, and Mohn and the story about N and Az I had liked.
@UnovanZorua I knew there was a post game for XY but I could never really figure out how to get it to start at the time, it really annoyed me. I