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Needs more options to communicate


During a match there needs to be more options to communicate that your teammates are retards and should surrender so we don't waste time waiting for the match timer to end. I've noticed a lot of times lately that people will be like oh its a 2 on 1 or a 1 on 1, were they let you be the "decoy" while they take on a npc to get more points.

That or they just derp around and take in the sites of the arena and do jack shit. Hell it seems worse now that when this game started people are like auto saying no on surrenders, every time I post the poll for surrender since we (more like them) are lacking and not using their brains to strategize on what to do. Even if the pop up says your team is fucking way behind in points are you even playing the game?!?!!?!?! They go, no we are playing so fuck your announcement and fuck you dude for surrendering you coward yellow belly cunt.

I'm playing to somewhat pass the time but I don't want to waste it by not even able to do anything when the others are using -100000000000% of... oh wait they don't have a brain never mind, plus they must be related to some politicians since I bet they also have their heads up their ass.