Ban Mimikyu

It's an auto win! No damage from ex's or V's, then why did you event make the cards in the first place. My one out was stuck in my prize card pool.
I agree, or at least provide flexible ways to negate it. I'm finding that I have to build decks on the off chance I run into it, instead of the deck I want. It's broken.
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Some counter options for mimikyu that are available right now
- cancelling cologne (mimikyu + manaphy/jirachi are basically the main reason you'd want it in your deck at all, most usable in decks that utilize arven and/or pidgeot ex)
- placing damage counters on it instead (distinctly different from attack damage)
- if it's not the only thing on the board, aggressively gusting it out
- poison/burn
- "shred" moves (ie any move that says its damage isn't affected by any affects on the defending pokemon) - giratina v is a notable example, mew vmax can also do this but it's about to rotate
- the most obvious counter of course is to just. have a non-ex attacker in your deck.
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I've only recently put Mimikyu into my deck, and it has been a great tool to have to avoid beefed up EX or V moves early in the game. Even later stages too.
The best way I've found to negate it is to have some decent basic, stage 1 or 2 Pokémon floating around your deck too.
I think the retreat cost shouldn't be so low tbh, for one energy I can drop out as needed.
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Don't shame my girl like this Mimikyu is amazing
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I agree, or at least provide flexible ways to negate it. I'm finding that I have to build decks on the off chance I run into it, instead of the deck I want. It's broken.
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That's how every deck works. There's a deck out there that has an advantage to counter it. Building your deck around the chance you run in certain cards that counter your it is a core part of this game.
If everyone could just play the deck they wanted, a competitive card game couldn't possibly exist.
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You make a valid point. After noodling it out a bit more, I found a way to have a better-than-average chance at defeating decks with it in it and/or Path to the Peak stadium.