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What's your view on Palworld?



  • YagoFuecoco
    YagoFuecoco Member Posts: 408 ✭✭✭
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    I hate Palworld in the depths of my soul, the game is a blatant and distorted copy of Pokémon, to catch the Palworld animals you have to beat them, and besides the game being disgusting, and thanks to this trash called Palworld, I canceled my account on YouTube, and now I'm just going to interact with other Pokémon fans here on the forum even though it's healthier and more comfortable for me, because on YouTube and Twitter there are only bad and toxic people, and I still suffered Cyberbullying because of this rubbish game , but honestly, I'm going to continue with Pokémon that is super meaningful to me

  • puplover1118
    puplover1118 Member Posts: 531 ✭✭✭
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    Is Palworld really what you can call “competition”? It’s evident that the pals were “inspired” by Pokémon designs, and the whole concept hinges on a subversion of expectations that we have for these games due to Pokémon. Of course, a game can be subversive and original, but the designs in Palworld, as previously stated, barely count as “original”.

    Pokémon already had other competitors as well, namely Digimon and Yokai Watch. Now, compare these franchises to Palworld. Only one relies on not-so-unique designs and shock value. The other two try to stand on their own merits. I believe you can guess which is the odd one out.

    I leave you with this: isn’t this the game that has someone who looks like Nessa but is white?

  • YagoFuecoco
    YagoFuecoco Member Posts: 408 ✭✭✭
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    I think it's cruel and bloodthirsty, I think Palworld is a cruel copy of Pokémon made just for dissatisfied people, I'll never get close, and just because I simply don't like this game I suffered cyberbullying with it, so I don't ever want to play this drug and I'm only going to interact here now, YouTube never again

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,660 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    The only evidence people seem to cite is the fact that one of the creators said he liked AI. That is not enough to prove that it was actually used. Is there any more definitive proof?

    I do not seem to share the moral objection to AI that others hold. Even if AI use were proven, that is not enough to convince me of wrongdoing. I think people have a lot of misconceptions about it.

  • Eremas
    Eremas Member Posts: 1,475 ✭✭✭✭
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    AI in palworld iš just a way to cut costs. And it seems like they're making enough for a sequel. Unfortunate.

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,660 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Is Palworld really what you can call “competition”?

    A game that can generate large sales numbers and threatens to take sales away from Pokémon if they don't improve their product? Yes. It is exactly what the series needs.

    It’s evident that the pals were “inspired” by Pokémon designs

    Can you show me some? Perhaps with some more concrete evidence of plagiarism and theft than claiming that Piplup's existence means Nintendo own blue penguins as a concept.

    Not that I am saying you made a claim like that. But that is all I keep seeing.

    and the whole concept hinges on a subversion of expectations that we have for these games due to Pokémon. Of course, a game can be subversive and original, but the designs in Palworld, as previously stated, barely count as “original”.

    I would say the game looks to be more of a take on games like Ark than Pokémon, it just happens to have more of a monster collecting gimmick than a dinosaur hunting one (and looks better made than Ark).

    Pokémon already had other competitors as well, namely Digimon and Yokai Watch.

    And clearly this competition has been enough to force Gamefreak to produce better quality work and take more risks.

    Now, compare these franchises to Palworld. Only one relies on not-so-unique designs and shock value. The other two try to stand on their own merits. I believe you can guess which is the odd one out.

    This one is very funny. Have you seen Digimon designs? Have you seen some Digimon media? I think Digimon has more depth than simple shock value, but I would say Digimon is edgier than Palworld.

    Not to mention the Megami Tensei series, which is a monster collector that predates Pokémon, and that series regularly nukes Tokyo and has you side with Lucifer to kill God.

    I leave you with this: isn’t this the game that has someone who looks like Nessa but is white?

    I don't know what you are talking about. Can you post the character, perhaps with a comparison. Is it actually the same model with a pallette swap? Or a character who looks similar?

    I think a lot of people are getting bent out of shape and twisting themselves in knots to try and prove plagiarism and copyright violation. I am sure Nintendo's lawyers would have swept in years ago when it was first announced if they thought they could prove a case against this game.

    It is okay if you do not like this game. It is okay if it does not appeal to you. It is fine to consider it a shallow derivative, a lazy subversion or an edgy clone, or however else you choose to deride it.

    But I assure you, the multinational corporation holding the rights to the largest media franchise on Earth does not need your help to defend its intellectual property from the indie game.

    You have every right to dislike it, critique it and not play it yourself. I do not understand the desperation to get this game shut down and taken away from those who do like it.

    Let cool heads and decorum win the day.

    ORBEETLE345 Member Posts: 76 ✭✭
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    I'm fine with it being around and if people want to play it but for me I probably won't.

    Also, thanks for finishing that whole argument as it was getting quite big.

  • Iihs
    Iihs Member Posts: 1
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    After reading through some over some of other comments on here is concerning the amount of people that are hating on this game using the basis of copying the creature models from Pokémon. I am a huge fan of both the Pokémon franchise and the new game Palworld. Yes, some of the pals and Pokémon look alike using Anubis and lucario as an example but both creature have the same resemblance to the god Anubis. The models of a lot the creature in palworld resemble that of real creature/animals. Foxparks, cattiva, and rushoar as more example of the animals they resemble hinted in the names of the pals.

    after putting in about 100 hours of game play into palworld since it’s early access launch it’s evident to me that both game are in completely different genres. Where as the objective of Pokémon in simpler terms is to collect them all and palworld when you get down to it at its core a survival game. As someone who play mostly survival game I see more features from other survival game within palworld than that of the features from Pokémon (ark survival evolved and Conan exiles as examples). As for the people that are calling palworld a Pokémon rip off I just can’t see how that is the case aside from the creature models but without actually evidence of that I will continue to ask people to give palworld a chance.

  • CarumoTopaz
    CarumoTopaz Member Posts: 57 ✭✭
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    Well, the Pokémon Company has indirectly mentioned Palworld due to the amounts of inquiries.

    Take it as you will.

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,660 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    @CarumoTopaz I saw that statement. It essentially reads as, 'please stop emailing us. We know. We will take care of it legally if there is anything to be done. Please stop harassing people and sending death threats'.

    The sheer fervour that has been drummed up over the game is astounding. I wish we could discuss the matter calmly rather than having people leaping to conclusions and spitting utter venom.

    Unfortunately, internet.