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Dracovish not appearing in anymore Pokémon video games despite its popularity? Why?

MrCarle Member Posts: 168
Second Anniversary 10 Comments 5 LOLs 5 Likes

Despite its popularity in Pokémon Sword and Shield competitive play, I'm just wanting to know why you think that Dracovish hasn't appeared in anymore Pokémon video games ever since the only few of them like Pokémon Sword and Shield as playable and Masters EX as fightable NPC opponent owned by Ash Ketchum?


  • UnovanZorua
    UnovanZorua Member Posts: 2,369 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Fossil mon that needs two fossils. It's not even a real Pokémon, but a fusion of two parts of different ones, so they can't add it into the wild. And we haven't gotten any new real fossil mons since XY, plus they seem to have removed bringing fossils back after SwSh had it but only for its new fossils.

    GameFreak hasn't given us a place to restore any fossil we have since SM, seven years ago. They seem to prefer just leaving them in the wild as if they were normal mons. But they can't do that with the Galar fossils, so them returning seems unlikely. And, they need a different thing to be restored, so they'll need to bring back the machine from SwSh.

  • Acornyo
    Acornyo Member Posts: 751 ✭✭✭✭
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    Fossil Pokemon from Pokemon SwSh are like Labradoodles. They don't exist naturally.

  • Kaosdone
    Kaosdone Member Posts: 8
    Photogenic First Comment

    I had to look up what dracovish was, this isnt a good sign. Its really forgettable for someone like me who kinda disconnected from the later gens due to the battle gimmicks. It is popular, but its a gimmick pokemon, one whose gimmick is connected to its home region, we wont see another origin forme anything in main line games either, or any of the mythicals. They are pokemon, who in lore are connected to their home region in such a way, that they cant appear anywhere else, the only exceptions i see are legendaries, they are really popular for competitive, and are just really popular overall, so game freak likes to make them accessable without their older games.