TCG not good anymore

Why is it still called a Trading Card Game, when you no longer trade?
What happened to the different decks?
What happened to competitiveness?
Do the devs plan on bringing the old system back?
I reached 600 points pretty quickly and then I lost a match and I noticed it doesn't drop below that stage... Not that I'm complaining, and here's why; I can just quit matches with no penalty... I like games that keep me interested, by upgrading characters or items, variety, team play, being able to use my favorite characters etc., however, this game is the same every match, Roaring Moon, Comfey, Palkia, Charizard decks... It's boring, it wastes my time being more bored than I should be...
I have no interest in being top player, I play for fun, but I find myself watching TV or messaging people on other apps or just straight forgetting I'm playing when these decks show up... I know every move they're going to make at this point and the main reasons I lose, is because I got delt a poor hand, no energy, or in a more recent match, 4 of my prize cards were evolution Pokémon, so I had no chance to evolve my cards, so I can't play their decks out.
If the game could go back to what it was, I'd love that, I'm sure others too, I loved all the Fairy decks, Fighting decks, mixed colorless energies decks... Mewtwo cards reversing damage, Xerneas decks building huge damage potential, Gengar decks preventing the use of items or supporter cards being used... Think of all the Roaring Moon and Gimmigoul deck users that would delete their decks because Gengar just hit the bench lmao.
I'm just asking if there is a plan to go back to the old system or at least update this version, but this is boring for me and I'd rather something spice it up than me just quitting.
It's called a TCG in English because that's the name of the physical game in English since the 90s. Crafting is better than trading. It doesn't need to come back.
The rest of the stuff you mentioned has nothing to do with the app. The devs have no control over the meta or which cards are printed, and PTCGO wouldn't have prevented any of the issues you're having other than giving you the option to play theme decks. If the current meta is that unplayable to you, your options are playing the casual ladder or quitting.
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Why not have both crafting and trading?
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@Nickalooose1 I tend to agree with most of your points, the older version was alot better, the Devs on Live aren't going to be making any drastic changes anytime soon though unfortunately. Trading should still be part of the game and the crafting system should be set up better to compensate trading. The problem with the current crafting system is everything is cheap and basically the same price, Banette ex for example is the same price as Charizard ex, yet Charizard is one of the top meta decks and Banette is, this is where it's messed up because it stops the hype of chasing the best card in booster packs simply due to it being easier to craft the card your chasing. The algorithm is all over the place and definitely needs fixing but it's definitely not at the top of the Devs priority list so I wouldn't expect any changes to that. I also missed fairy type cards and instead of removing types of cards I personally think they should add more types to cards instead of cards sharing the types. The reason why you play the same decks over and over is because it's to easy to get the best decks therefore everyone is using them. The rotation every year keeps cards in the meta for to long aswel, Lugia Vstar for example has been in the meta for far to long, this is Master Duel benefits with the monthly Ban list, it keeps things fresh constantly. The game does need some major changes but at this point I'd just be happy if we get expanded and landscape options.
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And now they finaly admitted the game no longer has a Ranked Ladder, they refer to it as Seasonal Ladder.
So now remove points loss from the Master League of our Seasonal Ladder, I don't want to lose points in a non ranked ladder.