What would be the best set to purchase packs from to improve my deck?
So I just made a deck and i am wondering how to improve it, whether using trainer cards or pokemon. thanks for the help!
idk but my friend got unown vstar from silver tempest (are you talking about the physical cards? bc I know nothing about tcg live.)
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I would say you buy a Booster Bundle (probably Temporal Forces, but that comes out 22nd March 2024). Or an Ultra Premium Collection or an Elite Trainer Box or a Trainer Toolkit.
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What deck are you trying to build? If you want build up from an already built deck my best suggestion is to go to your local store and buy singles if not you can spend $50+ easily and not even get the card(s) you need. If you just want to open and see what it is you get based off of luck you might not pull anything. I’ve had personal experience spending $200+ trying to pull a $100 card when I could have just bought it instead of spending more. I’ve built decks for $50 worth of cards also trading helps a lot if you take a binder and trade around.