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Did we ever get any word on iPad landscape mode?

Every few months I check back to see if this has been implemented, or even addressed. And every time, I grow more and more discouraged that it ever will be. Has anyone official commented on whether or not this is actually a planned feature?

I used to work in game dev and I get that it requires prioritizing, and maybe there are higher priority issues that have pushed this back, but not giving us a single word on whether or not this pretty fundamental feature is even planned is fairly frustrating.

It may not seem like a big deal to some, but as someone who played PTCGO exclusively on iPad, and deals with disability/pain issues, this is literally a dealbreaker for me. I want so badly to play and be able to enjoy this game, especially considering I used to play the old version daily (specifically because of how accessible it was)! I can’t play on a tiny phone screen, playing on a pc is far less accessible with my health issues most days, and I can’t comfortably use my iPad in portrait mode. I get this is not something the average person thinks about, most take the full and easy use of their hands for granted, but this one little thing can actually make a huge difference for people with issues like mine.

I know I’m just one person, and my situation is not the most common one, but I know there are lots of players, even not disabled, who have been begging for landscape mode. It’s what everyone who played on tablet for all these years was used to, and it’s what actually utilizes the space of the larger screen best from a design perspective.

I miss my favorite tablet game, and what used to be my most-played game. I was excited about the new version and spent so much time trying to point out the potential good in it to skeptics upset about the loss of the old. But here I am, still unable to play it, with no word on whether this accessibility issue will ever be addressed. :/

P.S. I am thrilled to see the graphics issues that previously plagued the iPad version resolved (at least from my quick glance) but it has felt odd how much the iPad version has felt like an afterthought compared to the phone versions, when presumably much of the previous player base played on tablets (given that iPhone wasn’t even an option back then, and neither was portrait mode). Even a brief comment on planned improvements for the iPad player base would help with that feeling that we’re just not a priority anymore.
