[BUG] Game freezing on my winning turn

Hello, this has happened to me several times, so I figured it was time to report it. I will be on my winning turn then the game freezes ALL OF A SUDDEN. Everything goes fine until I get ready to deliver the final blow and the game just stalls. No timer, no further actions I can take besides cycle through useless options. Why does this happen right before some of my wins. I would say 2-3 games out of 30. I took a screen shot of this one. I was on the final knockout. Not that it mattered as my opponent was going to deck out next turn. What a crazy match with one prize remaining each. I would prefer I get credit for this win. I worked extremely hard for it.
Hello Trainer, I recommend you open a ticket with the support team for this instance. To do so, please visit https://support.pokemon.com/ and then click the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live link. From there click "Contact Us"