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Cards collection and variants

Hey there, I have a two part requests that may have been suggested before, but thinks is worth mentioning.

  1. There should be a way to see the card collection without having to edit a deck. There should be an option to show all variants of cards separately.
  2. In relation with cards variants. When importing a deck, the game should fill the cards slots with any variants you have (maybe you can select a variant as favorite even). But right now if I import a deck that someone build with a variant of a card I don't own, its a hassle to replace every card with the variants I own. For know its even simpler to build any deck from scratch.

Thanks in advance, I'm really liking this game, the interface is modern, and just feels great, I know there are some game breaking bugs that have to be addressed maybe even before this QoL changes, but I'm just hopping to be heard in this regard.
