Premium Battle Pass - No Compensation

Hello PTCG Community,
TL;DR - If you ever miss Premium Battle Pass tier rewards or daily challenges due to a technical issue, you will not be compensated in any way. Take this into account when considering how you will spend your $$$.
I bring you an issue that represents a concerning precedent for Pokemon TCG Live. As we all know, a majority of players were unable to play matches or complete daily challenges due to the 10099 error. I myself received this error on desktop, but on iPhone it just gave me a server error. I took all of the appropriate troubleshooting steps, tried suggestions from the community, and even reached out to the Pokemon Support Team with a ticket. All of that was to no avail, as the issue persisted for 2 days as I went back and forth with the support team's requests until the issue was resolved... after the Battle Pass season ended.
During my communication with support, I asked if they would somehow compensate me for not being able to complete the last few tiers of the Premium Battle Pass. After all, when you spend premium currency on purchasing it and are only unable to get the very top rewards due to a Multiple-Day Server Outage, you would want them to throw you a bone in some way. Refund the cost of the Premium pass. Give more time to finish the pass. Just grant the player the items they missed out on due to the outage.
After asking support three times to address the Battle Pass issue, here was their response: "Unfortunately, we are unable to provide you with the rewards from the previous battle pass. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your kind understanding".
This sets a precedent that is heavily unfavorable for a player base. DO NOT fork over any cash for this game, especially for the Premium Battle Pass, as the Pokemon International Company is not willing to help you even in situations where they were clearly at fault. I'm sure many of you think this should be obvious, but I wanted to make my experience known as a warning to any players debating putting their money into this buggy, unfortunate game.
Thanks for reading and enjoy the new set everyone! (Once the emergency server maintenance is over)
Disgruntled Pokemon TCG Live Player