Many bugs on Windows PC

Member Posts: 1 ✭
Every 3 games I play on the Pokémon Live on Windows Pc, I start to get weird bug. I know they are bugs that you aware since a long time, but this is getting frustrating. Can't see anything in the deck while searching for a card with ultra ball or VIP pass, at the start of the battle, draw your first hand, but the cards keeps floating in the air and can't do nothing. Countdown start to and give me a lose. I restart the game and computer, but it's a 50/50 if the bugs stay or gone for a little bit.
I lost so many point in the ladder since I can't play the game normallly and need to Alt-F4 the game, concede or just let my opponnent knock out all my Pokémon.
So please! Fix those bugs.