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Regidraco vs. Jirachi (PR)

I was just in a game with my Regidraco Vstar deck against a Charizard EX and they had a jirachi which negates damage counters from being put on the bench from basic pokemon right? Well I was attatcking and used my regidraco v's Attack with my Regidraco Vstar which specifically says "This attack does 30 DAMAGE to 1 of your opponent's benched pokemon" which isn't damage counters, its damage, where as the Jirachi says "Prevent all DAMAGE COUNTERS from being placed on your benched pokemon by effects of attacks used by your opponents basic pokemon" 1st thing im dealing damage and not placing damage counters on the bench, 2nd Regidraco VSTAR is an evo pokemon.

Long story short. My regi's attack's 2nd effect was negated due to the jirachi thinking it was a manaphy and prevented damge instead of damage counters. It took two prize cards from me recieving the win.

Fix the jirachi from paradox rift to specifically cancel out damage counters instead of overall damage. THX


  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Did you try to put damage on Charizard ex? If so, read the card. You missed something.