What shinies do you think Pokemon could make better?

personally, I think Clefable could be more interesting.
Leafeon definitely. I think its leaves should be red/orange, like autumn colors.
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And flare on could be better don’t you think? I’m thinking blue-white- palette
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Flareon, sorry! Not Flare on!
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There should be a QR code on the back of them, did you scan them?
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There’s a button you press that says ‘claim now’ if it didn’t go through that’s just sad
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Leafeon and Glaceon should swap colours in their shinies.
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I wish Slowpoke was purple, jus like Slowbro. I love shiny Slowpoke (I find it easy to spot), but if it were purple, it would match Slowbro and also just be a whole lot more loved by the community. Slowking should follow the same color scheme as well, and I think the gold-brown Shellder Crown with a yellow jem would be really royal.
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@THEBIGSTE ...What? This seems like a question related to the TGC, so try asking it on that forum. Otherwise, I don't know
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Gengar. I can't remember whether my first shiny was a Lickitung or Haunter (both on Victory Road in Kalos but different games), but thanks to that I really like shiny Haunter (sadly it looks bad but at least you can see it).
And then I evolved it into Gengar, and the only good point was the mega form. It looks so bad. Why can't it be white or blue or LITERALLY ANYTHING THAT IS NOT A SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT SHADE OF PURPLE.