We need to heads down, and think.

Where do I need to click to exchange my amazing new card with my friends and the world.
This was a feature it dissapeared. Completely, WHY, I just want to ask WHY
Second: I invested over $1.2 on my cards to redeem every sunday, after the kiosk, where are my cards. WHERE. I mean, WHERE.
So you cannot force people to copy clipboards, this is a serious project right?
So animation jokes asige, or i cannot play vertical on phone, or i cannot see all my cards on horizontal on phone, DEVS read this and improve the app
We all love TCG but all this did not fix the problems, this did not add new features. It hurts and frustrate to me.
I love this game, I will continue playing, but guys, omg, this is not beta, it's an uncomplete beta experience with a huge warning on the door!