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Favorite Gym Leaders

B0SSCAT Member Posts: 10
First Comment First Answer Name Dropper Photogenic

Who are your favorite gym leaders of all time. Mine use to be Lance until Ryme showed up. But then I started to realize I'm a Elite Gym Leader on my own haha.


    B0SSCAT Member Posts: 10
    First Comment First Answer Name Dropper Photogenic

    Also, what type if Pokemon would you train? I personally would only train Mew and other cats or fighting type Pokemon.

    B0SSCAT Member Posts: 10
    First Comment First Answer Name Dropper Photogenic

    B0SSCAT Member Posts: 10
    First Comment First Answer Name Dropper Photogenic

    I tried posting a Image of my Mew but I cant share via Imgur unfortunately.

  • Acornyo
    Acornyo Member Posts: 717 ✭✭✭✭
    First Anniversary 100 LOLs 50 Answers 500 Comments

    The best gym leader will always be Raihan.

  • Dylan2002099
    Dylan2002099 Member Posts: 3
    First Comment

    If Pokemon was real which starter would everyone choose i would choose a bulbasoar so I can nickname it Lightbulb to be honest I had played leafgreen on my homebrewed 3ds xl its alot of fun

  • DJ_dino2thebone
    DJ_dino2thebone Member Posts: 15
    10 Comments Photogenic

    I like Roxanne. Some of my other favs though are Iono and Brock(only his anime version though)