Billion dollar idea!

When pokemon runs outta ideas for creatures and regions and remakes we need a game called pokemon unlimited its an idea that covers all pokemon in existence it'll be like skyrim customize trainer and have all regions like kanto johnto hoenn sinnoh unovamaloha galar and paldea in one game! And become the ultimate champion and pokemon master its a new narrative you start in pallet professor oak is replaced by blue because he's dead and. You face a much older red and all the players you played as in the gsmes
U face there Canon teams and team rocket comes back with every villain ever!
Actuallymtheymdidma fan one but we need an offical
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Sorry tired tonight I meant to say they made a fan one
But we need offical
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Why did you have to casually kill Professor Oak like that?
Yes, a game with all the regions and all the Pokémon in it sounds great. After GSC included Kanto I thought that every game would continue that trend. One of the reasons I found RSE disappointing.
It probably won't happen though. It sounds like a lot of work. And Pokémon already break sales records with single region games. And even then they don't even function properly. Could you imagine how poorly a multi-region game would run?
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I don't think they can handle making 3D models for every Pokémon and trainer, let alone multiple regions. They made 2 regions in one (five) game(s), and that was in 2D.
And even if they could, they're probably working a bit too much already (broken Open World made in 3 years, and they also need to make DLC). Programming, 3D modeling, writing, character design, game design, and a lot of other things have to be done to make a game. And I think that maybe some parts of the Fandom should have more empathy (criticism is OK, but be realistic).
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Yes, we need this now
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The chances of that actually happening are way below 0%. Keep dreaming.
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That would be a really cool idea and lots of people already wish they just had a dlc type thing from the first game for every region. It would be fun to have a game that people would have to spend a while to beat instead of everyone uploading full gameplay vids 3 hours after the game comes out, honestly they could do that now and have constant updates. But it would be sooooo buggy and even if they started now they probably wouldn’t be done until at lest 2030.