Bug with Synchronized Feathers attack on Flamigo

Hi there, The Synchroniszed Feathers attack on Flamigo from obsidian flames isn't working correctly.
The card reads that if you have another flamigo on the bench you deal an additional 60 damage to one of your opponents benched pokemon without applying weakness or resistance.
This currently isn't working correctly according to the rules. It will deal the extra damage as you choose but the damage is modified by things it shouldn't be. For example if you have a pokemon that takes 20 less damage from attacks in the active spot, the damage to the benched pokemon will also be reduced by 20, it shouldn't be.
It seems like the coding is literally reducing the attack damage of the flamigo and then copying it to the benched pokemon, in reality it's a seperate instance of damage and shouldn't be reduced.
The extra damage to the benched pokemon should always be 60 regardless.