Matchmaking back… again??

I just had two cancel-disappears-then-reappears issues in a row. It was so nice to just pick up and play for the last few days. Please push for a permanent fix or regular patch!
You have to restart the client if it happens once.
I'm still convinced that VPNs and desync are at least partially to blame for this particular issue, so I think we'll see less of it with the global launch.
Either way, they are looking for a permanent fix now (well, not right now since it's the weekend, but you know what I mean).
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I am experiencing this too and it takes forever to find a match, both in Ranked and in Casual, even after restarting the client multiple times, picking a different deck, etc.
I am not using VPN. Not sure what is meant with desync, but I didn't set up any desync manually.
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I haven't been able to find a single match in the past hour. Anyone else completely unable to find a match?
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I am able to get matches again.