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Version 1.2.1 - Patch Notes

TPCi_CursedSoup Administrator Posts: 298 admin
250 Likes Third Anniversary 100 Comments 25 Agrees
edited August 2023 in News & Announcements #1

Hello everyone.

The Pokémon TCG Live game client will be updated on October 11th. The game will be offline starting at 8 AM PDT and is estimated to be down for 8 hours. Please see below for the list of changes:


  • Stealthy Hood (UNB #186) & Corviknight VMAX (BST #110) are unbanned.
  • Update to the game's board design.


  • Drampa (EVS #119): The Berserk attack now correctly does 160 total damage when the player's Benched Pokémon have any damage counters on them.
  • Aerodactyl VSTAR (LOR #093): On the mobile client, the Ability icon now shows when Aerodactyl VSTAR has used the Ancient Star attack and then moved to the Bench.
  • An issue where Special Condition SFX plays at full volume regardless of the sound settings has been fixed.
  • On the mobile client, the player's hand no longer overlaps the Active Pokémon's attack selection.
  • The Worlds 2022 Attendee card sleeves have been fixed to use the correct image.

Battle Pass

  • Battle Pass icons should now consistently appear at the proper size.


  • Mewtwo (BRS #056): The image on the cosmos holo version of this card is no longer stretched.
  • Mewtwo (BRS #056): The cosmos holo version of this card no longer has the holo effect incorrectly applied to the whole card.

Deck Manager/Editor

  • All references to the "Deck Customization Menu" have been updated to use the term "Deck Customization."


  • The player's hand no longer appears when inspecting a card in the pending slot.
  • Performing an action in the attachment selection window no longer causes a large card to appear.
  • Damage counters waiting to be placed are now properly hidden when the player enters the board inspection view.
  • In the Global Status Conditions window, the selection marker now shows only on the selected tab and is sized correctly.
  • On the desktop client, when inspecting a card, cards being revealed during the game no longer appear over the card inspection UI.
  • The angle of cards being dragged from certain areas of the board is now uniform.
  • On the desktop client, an issue where Benched Pokémon do not show the proper image on certain selection menus has been fixed.
  • On the desktop client, the Evolution visual effect for Benched Pokémon has been updated to match the size of the card.
  • Visual and sound effects no longer play twice when moving a Pokémon from the Bench to the Active Spot.
  • On the mobile client, the player's hand no longer overlaps the Active Pokémon's attack selection.
  • The Ability icon is no longer grayed out on passive Abilities that are in effect.


  • When a Collector Crate is opened, cards will no longer appear behind the crate image before it disappears.
  • The Crystal image is no longer rotated incorrectly during the redemption animation.
  • Scrolling arrows can no longer be interacted with at the end of a card list.
  • The inbox has been updated to show a message to indicate no new messages are available.


  • The Pokémon GO Promo Pack now correctly appears on the All Bundles list and the Expansion shop page.
  • Deck preview images in the shop have been resized to better fit the shop listing area.

Pokémon TCG Live 1.2.1 Discussion Thread