Radiant Greninja attacking Wave Veil Manaphy in active spot

So one thing I noticed about Radiant Greninja is when using Moonlight Shuriken to put 90 damage counters on two Pokemon and if you knock-out one Pokemon, you pick up your prize cards and then the animation starts when you put 90 counters to damage the other.
I had a scenario where I had to use Boss's Orders to bring out my opponent's Manaphy with Wave Veil that protected their benched Pokemon. I used Moonlight Shuriken and put the first 90 counters on Manaphy and the second 90 on one of their benched Pokemon. I thought I could knock-out the Manaphy and get my prize card then knock-out the benched Pokemon since Wave Veil would no longer be in play, but the game decided to put the first 90 counters on the benched Pokemon instead and got protected because Manaphy was still in play.
I don't know if this is a bug or some secret priority rule within the game with how abilities work.
So I really am attacking both at the same time then. Alright then, I'm assuming the same thing would count if this is done in an official irl card match and would be pointed out that the benched Pokemon cannot take damage?
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Yup, the only way this would work IRL is if you Boss up the Manaphy and then use Canceling Cologne to shut off Manaphy's ability - then you could damage the bench.