Proposal to have the "Redeem Code Webcam/Camera" automatically turned off by default

Hey there,
As of yesterday I decided to hop on the new Pokémon TCG Game, and to my surprise, I've really enjoyed the updates and changes they've made to the game.
My only issue,
When loading up the game for the first time, I was gifted with 7 packs, I opened two of them and then had to go AFK. I left the packs on my screen and walked away, coming back 3-5 minutes later to finish opening them.
When I returned, I was on the home screen of the game, confused as to where the other 5 packs I had were. Knowing that I'm brand new to the game, I would probably have to start clicking the buttons at the top of the screen until I found what looked like the "Packs" page from the last TCG game.
Instead, I decided to open up the "Redeem" page and was instantly granted with looking myself in the mirror. Every time I have played the last TCG Online game, I would go to the "Redeem" page and I would have to manually turn my camera on to scan codes, this time it was just on by default. It feels a little weird that it is always on when you open the Redeem Page and there seems to be zero settings to turn it off (aside from the button in the top right that turns it off, but the camera will still reactivate when closing out of the Redeem page and going back to it.
As far as I know, there is zero way to turn the webcam/camera off permanently, or at least have some sort of toggle switch that allows it to stay on/off until pressed again (meaning I could go play a game or two, and then go to the Redeem page and still have my camera off).
Now, people could always disable their camera in their Windows settings, but what about the people who are too young to know how to disable their webcams but have a love for the Pokémon card game and want to play it? What about people who are playing the game and streaming it to a live audience and they go into the Redeem page and leak what they look like?
This seems like a simple fix, that could save a big issue here, which all seems to center around privacy.
The Pokémon Company, the ball is in your court. Please don't let us down.
Tysm (thank you so much)
- andrewlol <3