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Game Still Won't Work (on Windows) with Avast Virus Installed...

Apparently, this has been an issue for a while but no one who has Avast Virus protection installed can play Pokémon TCG Live on Windows. It stalls at 5/39 and says no network connection. This is something that should easily be able to be patched out but it's crazy to have to uninstall something you are potentially paying for just to play... I'd much rather play on PC, but it seems that they are just disregarding this.

How many other people out there is it affecting? Enough for them to notice, maybe? Let your voice be heard.


  • Mod_Bee
    Mod_Bee Moderator Posts: 316 mod
    25 LOLs 5 Agrees 25 Likes 5 Answers

    Hello, I recommend opening a ticket with the support team. You can do so by visiting https://support.pokemon.com/ then click the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live link. From there click "Contact Us" Thanks!

  • Atyre21
    Atyre21 Member Posts: 3
    First Comment

    I did open a ticket quite a while ago, still haven't gotten anything besides the auto response. I just wanted to give it visibility and see how many others it was affecting.