I thought of an interesting challenge

Basically take every Pokémon card you own out, close your eyes and pick 6 random cards. Depending on the cards you get you’ll have to use those Pokémon in whatever game they’re available in, you can not change your team whatsoever. You will have to try to beat whatever game you’re playing with that team only. You can make up your own rules as you go along, you just can’t change your team (and no legendary Pokémon.)
Cool idea. I have a bunch of cards from 2012-2016 in a tin, so I might try this with those and XY/ORAS/SM, that way I can guarantee the pokemon will be available in the dex, and if not catchable, then I can unlock trading and trade them up.
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@Mechxel, quick question. Are mythicals allowed? I'm that guy who sees a Zeraora out of nowhere
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@quaxlyisus sure
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Hello Trainer, This is very creative! Thank you for sharing!