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List of bad thing

HilariousSun Member Posts: 1

So far the game isn’t the worst, but there are many features that still to this day leave me questioning,

  1. There isn’t a daily reward
  2. the battle pass doesn’t compare to the chests and ladder rewards tcgo offered
  3. no easy way to earn points to craft cards (what’s the point if free to play players can’t even build a deck if your going to take away the value of an online collection)
  4. the card layout Is still way to blurry
  5. why does flipping a coin need to say it’s flipping a coin before it’s action, it takes so much longer for turns to play our due to card delays, in tcgo you’d only have to wait for the player to make they’re choices, not wait for the cards to play
  6. I have to cancel my searches for opponents, does nobody play the game or is something up with the wait time, cause I rarely find players even in casual, at least in Pokémon tcgo there’s players playing 24/7 and a npc ladder to play against if by some chance there is not one person to battle
  7. theres no variety for decks, I used to use a burning rondo deck, and now I can’t even use my build cause welder and blacksmith are both not even usable, why is it taking as long as it has for cards to be implicated, why launch a game thats meant to have variety and types, and force players to use prebuilt decks and limit the amount they can work with for building they’re own
  8. having no pack storage and forcing players to open there packs is wrong, this game has taken away the trading aspect of a trading out of a trading card game, why not call the game Pokémon card game online and make it its own and migrate players back to tcgo
  9. having all one type of card under one tab is confusing, how am I going to remember which rare cards I have and don’t, or holo or reverse
  10. i play on mobile and I hate having to swipe right an left to see what cards are in my hand, decks that pull cards make this much worse
  11. my earnings are not the same, in Pokémon TCG online I could earn up to 3 booster packs daily for trade locked packs from my winnings and even my loses, the current market of the game is honestly trash
  12. because of number 7 players spam the same decks
  13. 6 card booster packs for all the packs, that just limits the amount of craft currencies you’ll even get “it’ll help keep bulk cards away” no it won’t, you still have the same odds of pulling cards, so odds are you’ll still get the same amount of bulk cards and not even enough currency to craft a good card unless you spend thousands of dollars on Pokémon cards or kill your fingers and mind putting in codes bought online, less cards, same odds, still have to pay the same amount for codes and packs in store
  14. migrating is literally killing peoples money, rare cards that people fan over and collected over the years just to have promos and special cards are now being shredded, just because you wanted to catch them all, how am I going to sell cards from Pokémon tcgl to my friends now, how will they value a valueless card, and than be able to craft said valueless card
  15. nobody is going to want to claim older codes they have, and code cards that are psa tested are now going to lose value as the cards from those packs arnt being implemented in this game

the one good thing about this game, is it’s about Pokémon, that’s dang near it, and to be forcing players over, once the tcgo game gets shut down is ridiculous, I switch over, losing all my money I’ve spent in Pokémon cards just to be disappointed, so much for a trading card game