Reward XP and Conceding are ruining the game

The reward penalization for who is playing against the person that conceding is ruining the game play.
Bad players concede in the last prize card, the last turn, and you end up earning 40 to 50 XP less because of that. It takes too long to earn the XP for the battle pass. Sometimes you may be wining the game fast because the other plays does not have any other card in the bench, but the person conced and you only earn 50 XP for example, it is really upseting.
You van play for more than 2 hours and do not finish one single game, ONE SINGLE GAME! And end up earning 50XP per game instead what would earn in a full game win.
The reward XP must change asap, also the conceding rules must be reviewed because it really throws the game play to trash. People do not understand that they will loose some games and that is just fine.
They need to start banning (temp and permanent) these people that wait out the timers, make a move at last second, wait out the next timer, make a move, over and over again.