Which Pokémon do you think is overhated?

Tbh I'll go with Quilladin :(
Delphox. Some people despise it for not being like Braixen.
But, it's a fox witch and looks cool imo, the reason it sometimes looks bad is because people compare it with Braixen and expect it to be a Magical Girl or something. It looks cooler, even if it's not cutesy. Stop Delphox hate, it's just a cool fox witch!
But some people just need Delphox to also be a cutesy magical girl for some reason. Just how can they survive if a humanoid feminine Pokémon is just cool and fluffy?
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Raging Bolt. He’s so goofy, I just love him.
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Raging Bolt is not hated enough to be honest. I'm struggling to come up with an answer since it feels like people are generally accepting of pokemon designs outside of the bad ones. Even the bad ones don't get much flack.
I guess the only overhated pokemon are the "furry" ones like Lucario, Meowscarada, or Delphox, which are really good designs.
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They're loved as long as they look "interesting" to weird people. Meowscarada and Lucario are hated strongly but only by very few. On the other hand, Delphox is the opposite, sadly. Or it was last time I saw the majority's opinions. Hopefully that changed.
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Gonna have to broaden my response a bit. All the human-like water starters.
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A lot of Gen 5 Pokemon get hate.
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Trubbish and Vanillish. They are the go-to examples for people who spout the "gen 5 bad" rhetoric.
There is nothing wrong with critiquing or disliking gen 5, of course. As much as I love it, it is not flawless.
But I do hope to hear more of a substantive argument than "literal garbage Pokémon" or "just an ice cream cone" from people who typically laud Grimer and Muk the second you mention some of the comparable gen 1 designs.
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I agree with @TheJeffers. Vanillish.