Cramorants agility not working

I have tried to get his ability to work but its not. If I'm not mistaken his ability is to have no energy costs if you have 4 or more cards in your lost zone or other know as your discard pile and I do have 4 or more cards in my discard pile but I
still cant attack unless I have 3 energy's but his ability should let me attack even if I have ZERO. I have noticed that other people I play against are able to use his ability but I cant and I have tried many times in matches and test deck matches.
The lost zone and the discard pile are two completely different things.
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Why would you assume that the game has two different names for the same thing, or that they'd make the ability that easy to use? If it worked that way it would be in every deck.
Don't make assumptions about what phrases mean. Verify it. And you played against other people but never noticed the black hole cards kept getting sucked into?