My iphone 13 is too hot playing Live

Everytime when i play live my iphone 13 is too hot, and i have fear that it can buen my phone, i hope that the developers can solve this issue because is the mayor problem.
i hope you can answer me, thanks!
My iphone 13 is too hot when i play Live
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My guess is the overheating issue won’t ever be fix just like the crashing issues on mobile devices it seems it was made for pc only
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I have 4 iOS devices that have tested this game, 3 of which are iPads (2 of which top of the range iPad Pro 12.9”) and an iPhone 12 Pro Max.
They all increase in temperature worryingly when running this steaming dog pile of a mobile game. As a result of high temps battery drain then becomes astronomical. It’s a joke…
I know android users can use an app to force the game into landscape mode and apparently it fixes the overheating issues but so far I haven’t found a way to do this on iOS.