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Adventurer's Discovery and V-Union

On my first turn (going 2nd):

I had 1 V-Union (pikachu) in the discard. I then went to pull the other 3 V-Unions and could only grab 2/3. I could pull other V pokemon, but not the 3rd V-Union. :/


  • PachirisuFan1
    PachirisuFan1 Member Posts: 188 ✭✭✭
    5 LOLs 25 Likes First Anniversary 100 Comments

    it's a bug that's been around a while where sometimes a completely valid card is just arbitrarily unselectable....it's sometimes possible to just use another search card to try again but that still means effectively wasting an effect. Nevermind the fact that sometimes it might have been the only chance you had that turn to do so.

    this might be related to the bug that sometimes renders decks unsearchable but I'm not sure.