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Pokemon no rule box/Path to the peak bug

radiant jirachi is a basic pokemon and has no rule box, yet i am completely unable to use its ability when Path to the Peak is placed. Anybody else? This has gotta get fixed


  • TimmyBoiii
    TimmyBoiii Member Posts: 5
    First Comment

    All radiant pokemon including Radiant Jirachi does have a rule box though and is affected by the Path. The one that says 'you can't have more than 1 radiant pokemon in your deck' is the rule box unlike 2-prize pokemon that was shown at the bottom.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
    2500 Comments 500 Agrees 250 Likes 50 Answers

    I don't understand why so many people confidently say that Radiant Pokémon have no rule box instead of asking. What did you think a rule box was?

    Rule Box mechanics:

    EX (BW-XY)



    Prism Star


    Radiant Pokémon

    ex (SV)

  • b1ackspidey
    b1ackspidey Member Posts: 4
    First Comment

    A Pokémon with a Rule Box refers to any Pokémon that has a text box that says the word “rule,” such as “V rule” or “TAG TEAM rule.”

    So the Radiant rule is a rule box. FYI