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Card detail screen needs a much larger target to close it

darth_suicune Member Posts: 10
First Comment

When tapping on a card you open the card detail screen. The only way to get out of here and continue what you were doing is a very small X on the top right of the screen.

There are two issues with this. The first is that the target is small, which makes it hard to see, and sometimes tap/click on it. In a small device it might be fine, but on a 28" monitor on PC, you have to go well out of your way to click on it.

The second is that most modern applications let you click in any empty space to close a details screen, so that's the first reaction many users (like myself) will try, then search for the X button after it "not working" as we expect.

At the very least make the button much larger, especially in large screens, but ideally, please let us click anywhere empty to close it. This would make the target over half the screen.


  • jon11w
    jon11w Member Posts: 165 ✭✭✭
    100 Agrees First Anniversary 100 Comments 5 LOLs

    Completely agree; it should work as any modern modal does and allow you to close by clicking on the blank space around the pop-up.

    And a slight extension to this; in the deck manager the pop-up should close when you search for a new card in the search bar.