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Deck import/card version switching issue

Ashdate Member Posts: 3

Hello, playing on mobile so unsure if this is an issue on other versions (but suspect so):

When importing decks, the game will choose the "version" of the card per the text instructions. This can lead to for example, telling the player they need the Brilliant Stars' Boss's Order rather than the many other versions that exist and that the player may own that may be from a different set but are otherwise identical.

The issue is that there is no good quality of life method of replacing the versions of cards you dont own with versions you do own. I worry this may lead people to accidently craft cards they already own.

This also extends to owning multiple versions of a card where it is a hassle to swap one version of a card out for another, as you physically need to remove a card (but not ALL versions of a card as that will require you to search it up again)

I offer a few potential solutions:

1) when importing a deck, Pokemon Live could automatically "replace" missing cards with versions from other sets. I.e. if the text file references the Shining Fates Decidueye and you own no/not enough, import the Darkness Ablaze Decidueye if you have copies of that.

2) Have a "replace" feature that allows you to easily swap version of one card for another rather than the current (and sometimes confusing) requirement of removing one version of a card (but not all of them as that adds more steps!) and then finding a different version to add.

3) When removing the last card from a deck, allow the user to "linger" on a card with zero copies in the deck and choose to then add other versions, such that you could somewhat easily remove all version of a card and then replace them with an owned/desires version. If the player navigates off the card the game can then "remove it" from the deck.

Just some suggestions to improve player QoL! Thanks!
